Gnanmienliè Patrick-Lévy N'da



As a second-year student at EPITECH Lyon, I am passionate about web/software development and cybersecurity , as well as IT in general. My ability to work in a team, communicate effectively, manage priorities and meet deadlines are among my key skills.

  • Phone: +33 7 49 29 32 96
  • City: Lyon, France
  • Age: 19 years old
  • Email:
  • Availability: From September to December 2023


During my first year I mainly did code with the C language, but I also had an approach with Docker and also some JavaScript. Passionate about web development, I learned to do front-end with HTML5/CSS3 online thanks to OpenClassroom.

C 80%
JavaScript 40%
Python 50%
Git 75%
Pack office 80%



Diplôme d'Expert en Technologies de l'Information

2022 - 2027

EPITECH Technology, Lyon, France

  • In progress (2nd year)

Certificate for the Proficiency Level in English language literacy

February 2022 - July 2022

Pinnacle College, Accra, Ghana

I completed a five-month immersion in Accra, Ghana, to improve my English language skills and gained linguistic and cross-cultural competencies by working with native speakers, participating in academic and cultural exchanges.

Baccalauréat Général

2019 - 2021

Groupe Scolaire l'Ardoise, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

  • Obtained with Honors
  • Specialties Mathematics & Physics-Chemistry


All these projects are available on my github. You just have to click on the project name and you will be redirected to the corresponding github repository and for the TodoList, the Tic Tac Toe and the Quote-Generator you will be redirected to their websites.


Project carried out in HTML, CSS and Javascript consisting in creating tasks, validating them once finished or even deleting them.

Tic Tac Toe

Project created in HTML, CSS and Javascript, which involves aligning three of its symbols horizontally, vertically or diagonally before its opponent.


Project realized in HTML, CSS, and Javascript consisting in generating thanks to an API random quotations with their authors, to copy them or to make a tweet with the quotation of our choice.


Project realized in C language consisting in recreating a TCSH terminal
realized by group of 5.


Algorithmic project in C language consisting on the one hand in randomly generating perfect or imperfect mazes and on the other hand solving the created mazes as quickly as possible realized by group of 2.


Project realized in C language with the graphic library SFML consisting in reproducing the software "paint" that we find on our various computers realized by group of 2.

BSQ(Biggest Square)

Algorithmic project realized in C language which aims on the one hand to find the largest possible square on the top left of a map represented in the form of a text file and on the other hand consists in generating a map according to the entered data and to find the largest square inside. Realized individually.


Project consisting in containerizing an application using docker.
Realized individually.


IT Developer

From September 2023 to December 2023

Transdev Rail Rhône, Meyzieu, France

I had to develop a windows software to facilitate the analysis of the tachometer records of the rhônexpress trains.

Active member

Since March 2023

Association sportive de Ionis Lyon (ASIL), Lyon, France

  • Participates in basketball practices
  • Participates in the different sales activities of the association


Since September 2022

EPITECH Technology, Lyon, France

I accompany families during open days, I promote the school at career fairs and I accompany future students future students during immersion days.



69003 Lyon


+33 7 49 29 32 96

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